Pupkewitz Foundation donates $1 million to Shackdwellers Federation of Namibia

Community Care

The Pupkewitz Foundation in partnership with Ohorongo Cement and FNB. 

Where we live matters. Access to stable, affordable housing is a key determinant of health. Wen housing is affordable, accessible and safe, our neighbours and our neigbourhoods thrive.   

Research shows that increasing access to affordable housing is the most cost-effective strategy for reducing childhood poverty and increasing economic mobility. As partners we wish to invest heavily in the development and protection of the society in which we operate and what better way to do it by uplifting members of our community by assisting them t be able to build their own homes.  

The Pupkewitz Foundation pursues to identify and accelerate community-led policy and system changes that support innovative funding strategies strategies that better connect housing and health sectors and recognize multi-sector partnerships that preserve and increase the supply of stable housing for improved health, well-being and health-equity in low-income communities. Social determinants of housing, health, and economic security together shape the opportunity landscape in Namibia, which in turn are shaped by the nation's structural, economic, and racial barriers. To drive sustainable changes, we need solutions that are designed with significant and meaningful input from those who are most affected. 

in News
Pupkewitz Foundation March 31, 2023
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